DIY Waterproofing and Solar Reflector paint works on roof in Mauritius

In this project I will waterproof a roof and apply a sun reflector product as the finishing layer. The whole purpose of this project is to lengthen the lifetime of this concrete roof as it’s already 30 years old and also to reduce the temperatures of the apartment and studio who are right below that roof. In summer especially, it gets extremely hot underneath because of direct sunlight exposure over the whole day requiring my guests who rent these usually for their holidays to use the air conditioner. Especially in the later afternoon the rooms turn hot like a furnace! As of now I cannot foresee how much degrees less warmer it will be in the accommodations, I will know this only after completion of works. According to a friend, he is getting -3°C (That is day temperature less 3 degrees Celsius), even on very hot days, his room is cooler from the solar reflector paint that he used. (He used a product from the brand ABE that is Made in South Africa available in Mauritius.)

I will be listing the products that I am using, but not in detail the tools that we used as most of these you should have handy if you have had or done some works previously on your house. There are no reviews online as of now (May 2019) for products of Mauvilac, Permoglaze and ABE for such a project. Location is Mauritius. Mauvilac and Permoglaze are locally made. ABE is imported from South Africa by a company located in Petite Riviere. I decided to opt for Permoglaze products as my finishing products and I’ll tell you why I decided to use them.

Roof covered with Roof Coat from Permoglaze
Roof Coat Permoglaze
Thermometer 1 outside without Roof Coat Mauritius
Outside Temperature
Thermometer 2 inside with Roof Coat Mauritius
Inside Temperature with Roof Coat

I have assigned my project to one person only. Mr Ted. With whom I will collaborate whenever he needs a helping hand. I didn’t want for this project too many persons on the site and it’s also not really necessary. There will be several waiting times when you have to wait for products to dry. So, in having too many persons on the site, you will be contra productive and not cost effective and I want to reduce the risk of stuff getting broken as the pipe layout on the roof has not been made in an ideal smart way. And one pipe did actually break later on during the works. The surface area we need to work on is 100m² (meters for my US friends!).

We expect to finish the project in 2 weeks.

Today, as I’m writing this article, we have reached day number 5. Apart from Permoglaze which will be the main products to finish with, we also used various other products to prepare the roof.

Why did I choose Permoglaze?

I started my research according to various criteria which included price, durability and accessibility of information and the products. For Mauvilac the advice I got via phone was clear to me that their products aren’t the ones I will use. Maybe a little sales & convincing factor was missing on their behalf to get me to buy. I don’t think their products are in any way more mediocre than the others. You can tell me your experience about their products in the comments section. I was more convinced by Permoglaze technicians via phone, and also on their website it was very practical to download PDF technical sheets of each of their products. Their products are really well documented, it also explains how to use them, and how much surface area each of their products can cover and also depending on the surface you are planning to work on, which products to apply. This allowed me to take my time, read the product sheets and make a budget and do comparisons. There was a determining price difference!

I also inquired with ABE Mauritius. Communication with them in the beginning took a while. My email sent to ABE South Africa was relayed back to Mauritius, getting a feedback was taking too long, whereby finally I got feedback from SA and Mauritius. They’ll have to improve on their communications, but in the end, they answered all questions thoroughly. The reason I didn’t opt for ABE is that they are way more expensive and the products I required aren’t available in stock. I’m sure that ABE products are of excellent durability, but when you have to cover 100m² the price difference matters a lot to products Made in Moris. The only product of ABE I will be using is their ABE Membrane Superlacryl which I will use with Permofix concrete (Sima Lakol).

Preparing the roof

These last 4 days we have mainly been cleaning the roof. At first we just used a broom to sweep the roof and remove items lying around. There were also several older layers of concrete that has been added in the past to fix certain cracks or metal that was showing. Most of these (concrete, not metal) were starting to come off. We removed these too. Then we brushed the roof and scrubbed off moss / fungi growth with a metal brush and plastic brush and also used a lot of water to wash the roof. We then also marked the spots where water accumulates and stays.

Then we also washed the roof in the late afternoon with Javel (Bleach) which we let stay over night. We did that for 2 days.

There are some metals showing in the roof that we painted with a primer to protect it this morning.

Primer on metal that was showing in the roof
Primer on metal that was showing in the roof

Use of Products

Then during midday we started covering these spots with several products.

We used:

Permofix (Sima Lakol) from Sofap
Jaycocrete Standard
ABE Membrane Superlacryl

Permofix Mauritius
Permofix (Sima Lakol) from Sofap
Polybond Universal Mauritius
Polybond Universal Mauritius
Jaycocrete Standard Mauritius
Jaycocrete Standard
ABE Superlacryl Membrane Mauritius
ABE Membrane Superlacryl


In one bowl we mixed Jaycocrete Standard with Permofix and then stirred it for a while, after we added Polybond and stirred it for a while to get a nice paste.

In another bowl we mixed Jaycocrete Standard with Polybond, which is sticky, and we placed some of the ABE Membranes in that bowl.

On the roof, the places that needed some fixing, we placed the Jaycocrete Standard with Polybond mixture first, then added the ABE Membrane Superlacryl and afterwards we plastered the concrete mix over the membrane. We might be adding another layer later, that is one more ABE Membrane and some of that concrete mix. I will update this article as we progress. (10.05.2019, 15:14)

This Saturday we added another layer of Polybond first on the parts that we were working on with the membranes, which we let dry for a moment and then added another layer of Permofix (mixed with Jaycocrete). We didn’t add a further layer of membranes finally. So we only used one layer everywhere. We are letting it dry till Tuesday where we will continue. We are planning to do some cleaning with water so I guess it will need another day to dry and we’ll continue with products on Wednesday.

We only did a small check upstairs how the plastered concrete is doing and it seems some spots still need to be covered with a small layer of Polybond. Catch up with you tomorrow. We’ll also be getting products from Sofap.

This morning we just swiped the roof and checked how well the plastered concrete is sticking. So we have run into one issue where we applied the plastered concrete and membrane on a humid surface and this spot, even after 2 days in the sun, didn’t dry up nor hold. So we will have to fix that again.

I called Permoglaze to enquire about using the membrane with their Roof Coat product and if it makes sense to use it. It would cost me quite a lot to cover 100m² with a membrane! In their product description it does mention that the membrane can be used with their roof coat product. A logical thought of mine was, to consider covering the whole roof with it, in hindsight the cost factor got me to think twice! I want to keep my costs low, covering the whole roof with the membrane would be above my allocated budget. So let’s see if it’s really necessary…

Talking to a Sofap technician, they advised me that it’s not necessary nor required to cover the whole roof with it. The membrane is only applied in areas where there are cracks. Since we have already done that previously with Permofix and the ABE membrane, we will not need any additional membrane. They also advised me that the roof should have no accumulation of water for optimal performance of the Roof Coat product. Unfortunately I have around 3 spots on the roof where water accumulates and then dries up. I didn’t plan in this project to create additional water discharges on the roof as it would mean more pipe works and the breaking of some concrete. I have to remain focused on achieving this project first. This would be then part of another project and currently the rainy season has passed so I have some time for this at a later stage. In addition my solar water heater also has droplets of water coming out, some people say it’s normal…

Yesterday a part of the solar water heater started to leak. I thought it might just be some condensation or steam. It kept dripping over the night and I could hear water go down a discharge pipe in the morning. Am glad we were able to fix it and it stopped leaking. The solar water heater is already ten years old and has various rust spots. Also various water stoppers have a lot of rust, some of them, their knobs/lever to open/close them have partly broken. We will put some primer over these rust areas and I hope this solar water heater will still hold for more years to come. Since the roof got partly wet from those drops, we had to let the water dry up and then redo some of the Permofix plastering that we applied the day before. So, this was done in the late afternoon.

Well, in addition to this, the water pump has started to leak as well. Nano, a plumber, came by today to have a look. When we took off the pumps lid we noticed that it has a small leak in there. He knows a guy that fixes such pumps. There is a sort of plastic/rubber seal or kit that needs to be replaced. Currently the leak is very minor, it will increase with time and also cause rust to the pump so I hope we can fix this soon. It’s a Sanyo pump from Japan, silent, a very good pump that has also lasted close to 10 years and still working. This pump isn’t sold anymore in Mauritius and I hope it will last me some more years to come.

Sanyo Water Pump Mauritius
Sanyo Water Pump

Tomorrow we plan to apply an anti fungus product to wash the roof and kill off any remaining moss/fungi/mushrooms. Once it has dried, we can apply the sealer. I hope no pipe will be leaking tonight! It’s kind of interesting that since we started working on the roof, a lot of additional issues have surfaced, guess it was about time that the roof got handled!

This morning we applied the Fungicidal treatment of Permoglaze. 20L were not enough to cover the whole roof of 100m². It should have been enough but I think/speculate that we used a bit more because of its rapid evaporation. Indeed the roof does look a bit brighter with this product. So, it did eat away the small remains of moss.

Afterwards we fixed something else that we discovered. Part of the concrete water tank has a slab that is not properly resting on the tank, so we put in some plastic cover in the gaps and then we filled it with sealing foam. Should have used gloves, some of it got on my hand and it sticks real bad, it will take a few days to come off.

Selfix Sealing Foam
Selfix Sealing Foam

In the late afternoon, or when it was dark, we added a layer of binder over the whole roof. 20L is sufficient. We will continue tomorrow by adding the sealer product. I learnt today that the binder product is quite similar to the sealer.

Permoglaze Binder
Permoglaze Binder

As of now, am already a bit over budget. I didn’t plan this project too precisely anyway and didn’t consider of any unforeseen costs. It’s something that needs to be done for the long term. Various additional costs so far have also been transportation, and lots of other little items. Neither did we expect pipes to break, solar water to leak, pump to leak and the basins slab to have some gaps. Catch up with you soon.

In the morning remaining binder was added to part of the roof that we didn’t cover yet. Then we also applied primer on various spots of the solar water heater. We will eventually have to also repaint the whole solar water heater in white again as it looks really ugly with the red brown primer over it.

Binder on Roof after application of Sealer Mauritius

In the afternoon we started to apply the sealer on the roof and we expect by tomorrow morning to apply the roof coat.

We didn’t work during the weekend and it also rained at several occasions. On Saturday I saw that some of that sealer hadn’t dried. On Sunday as well. I got to know that this was some of the binder that didn’t get absorbed into the roof which means it had a good saturation of it. However I also discovered a crack that still leaked during the rain. It’s actually a big crack. So today we have poured some Polybond product over the cracked area and will observe if it flows through. I think it’s too thick todo that. We’ve got some other plans what we will do over the crack. Maybe we’ll use a membrane and additional Permofix concrete.

Big Crack Side of Roof Water Dripping through Mauritius Waterproofing
Big Crack on the side of this Roof with Water dripping through it

In the morning it looked quite cloudy and because of rain risk we postponed the work to late afternoon. It’s now 17:30 and we will be adding the first layer of Roof Coat over part of the roof. Part of the concrete water tank sealing is completed. We also need to put some glue at the Solar Water Heaters small cylinder to prevent it from leaking.

We applied the roof coat product today. Put some Permofix concrete mixed with Polybond over the crack area. Added some additional glue to areas leaking at the Solar Water Panel. We haven’t covered the whole roof yet with roof coat. On one side we have already added a second layer. We are planning to complete this by tomorrow.

Permoglaze Roof Coat Mauritius

We repainted the Solar Water Heater, covered the whole roof with Roof Coat and applied another layer. In total we reached on the major part 3 layers and on some remaining parts 2 layers. We are going to apply some more in areas that affected by drops falling off the Solar Water Heater. The major part of the project is now completed. Now what remains is to fix the water pump, reconnect the water pipe with the studio and also put some more glue at some spots on the Solar Water Heater, in addition we also need to put a little discharge pipe at the Solar Water Heater for water overflow.


The apartment and studio underneath the roof that has been treated with Roof Coat really does feel cooler even during the day and late afternoon after the roof has been exposed the whole day in the sun. The difference that I could measure with the thermometer is close to 1-3°C. However we are currently in the winter season in Mauritius and our day temperature averages at 25°C. It will be interesting to see how this products performance is during the peak summer. Am also planning in putting another layer of Binder over the Roof Coat to lengthen it’s life time. Binder will also make a sort of coating over the paint that will allow water to glide away with less friction. I also have to check on a big rainfall if one of the big cracks on the side of the roof still leaks.

Also, I needed to buy way more products than expected. For example the Fungicidal Wash of 20L wasn’t enough. It dried up fairly quickly and we would have needed 40L. Even if 1L can cover up to 10m², depending on the surface, it might cover less! So, when you do your budget, make sure to have a buffer zone. Surprises will come up, I would suggest you to whatever you project in costs, to have a buffer of 50% of that total cost amount for the unforeseen challenges. And stay focus on the goal.

11 thoughts on “DIY Waterproofing and Solar Reflector paint works on roof in Mauritius

  1. Donal

    Hi there, that’s quite an interesting manifest you have there of the process. I’ve been looking into heat reflective coating for the roof and only come across something called Samson chill roof sealant. The processes seem very similar to the one you’ve under gone. It would be interesting to see how the different brands fair in terms or price, utility and final effectiveness. Thanks for the detailed write up 🙂

    1. Dietmar Reigber

      Hi Donal! Thank you for your input. Now, in this current hot summer in Mauritius, is a good time to know how well this solar reflector paint works. After reading your comment I went upstairs into the most sun exposed unit and it just felt slightly less warmer than outside. Without the reflector paint, it would be overbearingly hot inside. I am probably not even getting less than 1°C difference, though still it’s better than several degrees warmer than outside. The ground floor still warms up a lot, even for the part of the house that is under the units that have been covered with the reflector paint.

      A friend of mine has used “abe super lacryl PROFESSIONAL LIQUID WATERPROOFING COMPOUND” to cover part of the roof for the surface area of one bedroom. This product comes from South Africa and can be purchased in Quincailleries locally, though often it’s not available in stock and must be ordered. It can have long waiting time (might be worth the wait though as it’s a superior quality product). He is very satisfied with the result and it’s been performing well since 5 years already! He even cleans it with a water pressure cleaner (Kärcher) and it holds!
      He didn’t use any other additional product. In comparison to my project, I used several different products. All in one can be very convenient too!
      This product isn’t cheap, it costs I think 3 times more than the Permoglaze product that I used. Like +Rs6000 per pel of 20L. If you have to cover more than 100m2 it will depend also on your budget. In the abe product sheet it says: “Mix 1 part super laycryl with 1 part clean water and prime total area to be covered. As a guide, 0.1 L of super laycryl mixed with 0.1 L of water will prime an area of 0.75 m2.” And “COVERAGE 2.1 L/m2 for total system.” So you should be making 3 coats and you can also use a membrane optionally. 1st coat is 1L per m2, second and third coatings are 0.75L per m2. For 100m2 it would mean around 6 x 20L of that abe product which will be above Rs36k. I don’t think that my friend mixed the product with water. There are also other forms of waterproofing which are more expensive and which do not come with the sun reflecting included.

      Do you happen to know the price of “Samson Chill Roof Sealant” for 20L?

      I see it is also a South African made product. They got good grade raw materials for producing such products. It says on the Riteseal website that it “Cools interior by up to 8°C” – it would be great to know during our peak summer how well this product performs. You’ll probably have to make at least 3 coatings just like abe’s product sheet suggested for optimum performance. They also mention that you get a coverage of 6 – 8m² per litre per coat. With a recommended Dry Film Thickness of 50 microns. Let’s say for 1L you get 5m2 and you will apply 3 coatings, that makes 3L = 5m2, so 20L/3L = 6.6 x 5 = 33m2 so you would need at least 4 pel of 20L for 100m2. A bit similar what I got from the Permoglaze product. The coating I have applied isn’t really very thick. I’m not giving it more than 2 years until I’ll have to redo a coating. Depending budget wise I might then add a thicker coating and a different product. There is also another part of the house that I wish to put a roof coat on and I might try the abe product in the future. Please do share how your project is going with the Samson Chill Roof Sealant product. Are you planning to use the membrane? I only used it where I had cracks.

  2. Donal

    Hi even the sub 1°C difference would be nice as I’ve only been in Mauritius about 3 times so far and noticed that even on really hot days, the temperature outside around 5-6 is very cool compared to the likes of India. And the rooms which have no overhead structures remain hot well into the late evening. Which lead me to believe the heat absorption was the issue.

    This part is somewhat confusing for me “The ground floor still warms up a lot, even for the part of the house that is under the units that have been covered with the reflector paint.” I assumed rooms which have overhead rooms would be cooler owing to not being heated by the sun throughout the day. Maybe those have side panels which are being exposed to the sun?

    The Abe product seems like a great time saver and offering long durability but at that price range I suppose it’s out of the question for now :P. Thanks for the estimate. Provided I get the chance i’ll try the Samson Chill Roof Sealant and if/when I get it done i’ll surely share the details. I’m only ever around for 3-6 weeks in Mauritius so hard to gauge the different seasonal conditions. One question before signing off, what is the membrane you are talking about? Is it an overlay or similar sheathing you can put over a surface and remove or is it something that has to be applied just like the paints?

    Thanks again for all the info and i’ll definitely being going through your blog post before making any further decisions.

    1. Dietmar Reigber

      Yes, even as of now, where it is summer, at night, it cools down to comfortable temperatures outside. Including around the coast line regions. But, inside, in houses made of large concrete bricks, it stays unbearably hot! One of the reasons houses are built so tough in Mauritius is to withstand cyclones. There is a new sort of brick available called Eco block which has polystyrene in the middle. This block is supposed to keep the house cooler.

      My ground floor feels warmer, especially in winter, while upstairs, on first floor, it feels way more cooler, sometimes so cool, that some guests felt it was really cold inside. Am talking of course of the first floor where the roof has been treated with the cool roof paint. In summer, it is less noticeable, ground floor and first floor feel alike. I can’t tell why it is like this. Maybe the heat gets conducted from the ground. The basement is partly built on lava volcanic rock, maybe this heats up and then spreads. Though I don’t know how good of a warmth conductor are these materials.

      In the evening, the first floor is more exposed to the sun.

      We only used the membrane to fix cracks, so on areas where there are cracks we did a concrete mixture and applied it there. More details in my article. We didn’t use it all over the roof. We felt that it was going to be only a waste of money. The point is to have reflection of sunlight, so am not sure how that membrane will exactly help to improve that. For fixing cracks it makes sense. If the membranes they mention in their product descriptions can help to increase cooling down, it would be great to know more about it.

      At which time of the year do you usually come to the island and in which region is your lodging? Could give an idea of what kind of weather you are exposed to.

    2. Dietmar Reigber

      In addition: There is during mid day a noticeable difference between the temperatures of the front house ground floor (which is cooler) that has a first floor above it compared to the back of the house that has no additional units above it which is way warmer. This part of the roof I have to treat in the future.

      1. Donal

        Thanks for the Eco block suggestion, one day when I the chance to build surely utilise that and maybe newer materials. I’ll go through your article again to get the details. I had a quick glance at the roof where I hope to use the samson chill paint and doesn’t seem to be any cracks or other items I’ll have to address as such.

        Not certain why the bottom floor is warmer during the winter, but I suppose it’s a bonus then as I heard it gets somewhat chilly here. But my primary concern is the heat, for the cold you can just wrap up. And in regards to rooms without overhead rooms being warmer, I can totally attest to that as well. Bar the rooms on the ground floor, which are warm all the time, guessing due to what I said before about it being heated from the side (or maybe similar to what you are experiencing from the ground) on the second floor, ones without a room structure above are warmed throughout the day and remain uncomfortably warm well into the night but the ones with rooms above are much cooler and pleasant (there’s three levels here build over staggered elevation.

        I’m usually in Mauritius around December so I guess just when summer is starting to turn up. Currently here at the moment and I was just thinking to myself about whether you can get something to reflect the heat from the building and ended up on your blog alongside other commercial sites. I’m based in the midlands, Moka district where it’s relatively cooler than the rest of the Island.

    1. Dietmar Reigber

      Hi Mr Fakhru Udhin I presume?

      It would be great if you can share some more infos with us on this fascinating subject of waterproofing and cooling down the house temperatures about your products of which you have exclusivity of import and have an experienced team who do the application.

      For prospective buyers, do you have all the listed products mentioned on your website in stock or is there a waiting time of +6 weeks if an item needs to be ordered?

      Your membrane of brand Pentens is made up of Poly-Urethane, is there a significant difference to a High strength polyester reinforced membrane?

      Quoting from your website:
      “With Pentens PU membrane, there is no such hazard during application, as the product is in liquid state.”

      Is this product applied first, and then Pure-Urea Spraying is applied on top?

      What kind of treatment do you do before the membrane is applied?

      Quoting from your website: “Any crack or water leakage area should be pretreated and reinforced with PENTENS Repair System”.

      What is the PENTENS Repair System?

      Can you highlight to us your step by step procedure? I don’t think some of your products are suitable for an unexperimented individual to apply as a DIY (Do it Yourself) activity as for example the product Pure Polyurea Waterproofing Spray Coating PENTENS SPU-1000 requires to be heated and a plural component airless spray equipment. Is it suitable for residential?

      Your product offers upto 10 years guarantee, this guarantee is only on waterproofing or also on your other line of products such as the PENTENS T-200 which seems more appropriate for residential customers?

      Since one of the core aims of the project described above is to get lower temperatures in the house, how much degrees celcius difference (approximately) to outside temperature can a unit be cooler when applying UV Resistant Elastomeric PU Waterproofing Coating product PENTENS T-200? Especially in the warmer coastal regions of Mauritius.

      Can an individual apply on their own the PENTENS T-200 product?
      How many litres of PENTENS T-200 would be required to treat a 100m2 surface?
      It also says “Substrate should be primed with a 1:3 mixture of PENTENS T-007 and water.” So how much T-007 would be needed? Is this a similar product like a BINDER?

      Do I mix T-200 with T-007? What’s the right way to do it?

      I just watched the Youtube video of Pentens Fleseal T-200 and I saw that there are actually different types of layer designs that can be applied to achieve longer life time. That’s very interesting!
      1. Standard Layer Design
      Pentens Fleseal Standard Layer Design

      2. Deluxe Layer Design
      Pentens Fleseal Deluxe layer design

      That’s a good tip! To build up an angle filler before.
      Pentens - Build up angle filler - good to know

      Why is your product considered as environmentally friendly?

      Now another key information for the readers, is budget, how much would I need to invest to get the waterproofing + solar reflection job done for 100m2 with the PENTENS T-200 + T007? You don’t have to mention an exact figure, just approx to get an idea as from which budget range, one can consider Pentens.

      Looking forward to your feedback.

      1. Fakhru

        Hi there,

        Thx for your email.

        All products listed on our website are in stock, except for the SPU1000. This is a very high end product and we do not store as the cost is very very high and prospects in Mauritius are very low at the moment, given the price.

        SPU-1000 is applied with a machine, that mixes the 2 parts of SPU-1000 (A+B). Machine is from USA, together with all the other accessories.

        SPU can be applied in parking lots, and if you have a look at our Pentens Video, you will see that it is unbreakable. This is the best waterproofing product / solution available on the world market, with applications in a number of areas:
        * Constructions (Residential or commercial)
        * Parking Lots,
        * Steel bars/ structures,
        * Roofs (concrete and steel, wood as well),
        * Marine (boat hulls, etc),
        * water : yes it can cure on water and create a floor on which you can walk….
        And many more, anywhere you can imagine…

        AS you mentioned in your email, SPU-1000 is only applied by our experience team of applicators.

        For T-200H, it has Anti-UV protection. Generally, it’s hard to say the exact degree of temperature drop but should be by 2-3 Degrees Celcius, and also depending on other factors: facing sun or not, room having fridge or other electric appliances which generate heat themselves.

        For T200, a primer is applied, T-007. It comes in concentrate form and needs to be diluted with tap water. 1 part of T-007 + 3 part of water. After 30 mins of application of T007, first coat of T200 can be applied. 2nd coat after 24 hrs.

        We do not sell our T-100 or T-200 to clients directly, but we apply the products as well. This gives the client a 10 year warranty.

        All PENTENS products are ECO-FRIENDLY, means all of them are water-based rather than solvent-based.

        Prices are Rs550/m2 for T100 or T200, including application, and Rs1750/m2 for SPU1000.

        You can call me if you need more info or we will be pleased to make a site visit and give you solutions to your issues.

        BR/ Fakhru

    1. Dietmar Reigber

      It’s doing fine. I have a few dark spots from fungi where I have water accumulation spots, apart from that, it’s doing well it’s job. I think maybe next year in winter on a not too windy day I might add a new layer – depending if it’s really necessary.


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