Category Archive: Social Media
Hotels using Social Media in Mauritius
December 9, 2014
I’ve gotten acquainted with Social Media over these last 6 years while practising online marketing for my holiday rentals agency Isla-Mauricia. I use it on a regular basis to present Mauritius and our offers and I tried a lot of approaches to increase my follower base and engagement with fans. I’ve learned along the way […]
Yifat Cohen & Jason T. Wiser Google+ Strategies – How to master hashtags and decipher authority signals
August 14, 2014
Yesterday night I spent a while watching those two recorded hangout on air (HoA) sessions of Jason T. Wiser and Yifat Cohen. I decided to give it a night and let it sink in and reflect before I make my personal article of what spoke to me the most from their presentation. I must also […]
Digital Shopping Tool Impact Study – how to improve your tools performance?
August 9, 2014
Purchase decisions – How and why people shop and buy What are digital shopping tools was the first question I had when I saw the interview title of Jason T. Wiser Google+ hangout on air. This question gets answered by Kim Finnerty in more details in their discussion round that you should watch if you […]
How to suck it up to get an influencers attention – but why would you do that?
May 7, 2014
Yesterday night I watched this recorded Google+ hangout on air (abbreviation: HoA) #TNTBootcamp – Influence Marketing Techniques & David Amerland which was hosted by Ronnie Bincer & Christine DeGRaff who run the Hangout Helper series who had as their guest speaker David Amerland. I have named the title of this post according to what was mentioned in […]
Starting your website or blog with WordPress as CMS
May 6, 2014
I recently watch a recorded Google+ hangout called Working With WordPress invited by Kristin Drysdale a friend whom I got to know on Google+ and who keeps me in the loop of great events on Google+. This is also what makes the network so special, the new people that you get to know and connect […]
The Power of Brand Evangelism with Guy Kawasaki hosted by Jason T. Wiser
May 3, 2014
In this recorded Google+ hangout Jason T. Wiser interviews Guy Kawasaki (His Google+ has a stunning count of more than 370 Million views!) and Peg Fitzpatrick. In a simple way you can get to know what differentiates a brand evangelist from a sales person and various other attributes about a brand evangelist. As currently I […]
Pourquoi tweeter ?
November 10, 2019
Ça ne sert à rien…dirait beaucoup de gens. Mais les plus belles choses ne servent pas forcement à quelque chose…questionner les 300 millions d’utilisateurs. Donc règle numéro 1 sur mon blog, détendez-vous et ne soyez pas trop sérieux ! Respirer lentement, relaxer vous, laissez-vous aller et voilà ! De tweeter…C’est laisser votre âme s’exprimer, être vous-même. C’est […]