Category Archive: Learn something new today

Why I chose to study in Mauritius? by Julia Gihozo

Muraho! Welcome to the story of Julia Gihozo who comes from Rwanda and decided to study in Mauritius at the African Leadership College located in the north of the island. Why I chose to study in Mauritius by Julia Gihozo is a project interview by Dietmar Reigber of a student from Rwanda currently studying in […]

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On this page I will list some books that I have read. I like reading on a wide variety of topics, I practice this activity as a form of studying on a regular basis for which I set aside time, and also as a form of entertainment in parallel. I do not read only one […]

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An introduction to the basics of electricity and solar systems in Mauritius by Onyedika Atuchukwu

Intro by Dietmar After reading the interesting and inspiring thesis of Onyedika Atuchukwu on a Hybrid System for a rice factory processing plant in Nigeria that is connected to an unreliable grid, I discussed with him if we could do a project on the basics of electricity and an introduction on solar systems in Mauritius […]

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