Dietmar Reigber
Curious you, what brings you here? Knocking on the door, or more clicking on the link with a captivated disposition, hello who are you? I’m fine thank you.
So here you are on a supposed to be about me page. A page to say what is this all about and who am I or market myself like a product? So, what’s your expectation? What are you looking forward to see that would satisfy your individual aspired thought patterns? Were you looking for a cold bullet point CV that lists certificates, degrees, achievements and a photo in which I would appear dressed in a suit with tie, combed hair and clean shaven face which would then fulfill your confirmation bias? Did you read some of my articles and collaborative projects I have done and could it be that you liked them and it has sparked an interest to know, so who wrote these? Or, you found the content great but aren’t yet so sure on how to gauge a score because you want some additional priming, for instance the effect that an influencer has on you, a bit more social proof? What if I am not an influencer? Can the work not speak for itself? Trust you pursue? What kind of mental saturation to cloud a little more your own judgment do you seek again in repeat mode? Click. Release dopamine. Click. Release dopamine. This endless loop, the life in front of screens. My screen is pretty bright! How about yours? Do you think there is something to that emitted light, or could it be that the screens generated luminescence makes us addicted to stay glued to the screen, which is way more stronger than the content we consume and the messages we receive? Here we are now, so contagious. Really, it is quite interesting to do an introspection for your own self and to analyze and ponder upon why do we lookout for and click on about pages. Would you say primarily it is trust that we seek and a curiosity what the persons behind a project look like as we humans can identify that is relate to another human by conjuring up an image of them in our mind? I am sure you do not check the about page of the likes such as Google, right? And I could be just a bot too, that runs via a neural network.
Obviously I can write an introduction like this as I don’t have a sales pitch necessity in store. I find many commercial websites have About pages that look alike without much originality. It’s alright for professionalities sake. Trade has it’s structure.
Siloi depends in which context you use it and it can mean an awesome state of mind or a good vibe, feeling great etc. I will deduce here from posting and creatively using this blog that a state of Siloi is achieved.
I have gained great interest in Google+ over these last months (2014) and posted several articles. On numerous advise of people who have been engaging on my posts they suggested to me that I should start my own blog. So here it is! (2020) Google+ doesn’t exist anymore. While it is currently not on my to-dos list, I might post some of my old posts on Google+ back here in the blog.
The pathway
Reflecting on the about page I realised that I do have a few stories about my past I could share in the future. While the blog itself is more a canvas of contemplations that I think about. I do share in some articles bits and pieces of my past experiences such as some entrepreneurship challenges I faced or my critical views on my childhood education. These how to’s or DIY pages are also a chapter of activities that happened in my life. For example I wrote an article on how changing my office chair helped to fix my back problem, my quest in making a good cup of coffee, car issues, water proofing cracks in the roof and applying solar reflector paint etc. Currently I am totally immersed in three gardening projects, making a big compost area, preparing the backyard for planting vegetables and cleaning up an abandoned property. The progress is really slow. It’s an interesting training of patience!
Blog wise, I am right now in the process of finalising my project on a big innovation article. I could after that consider to write a story of my own past which could latch on well with this about page. We’ll see 🙂 Till then, fare well and hope you enjoyed your time here on the blog!